Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I live in my parents' basement

I never though I'd say this after I graduated and got married, but we live in my parents' basement now. :-) I'm grateful for them helping us out for a little while, but I feel like such a loser.

So after we moved out that saturday we had to go back sunday to finish cleaning the stove, and this is our last picture at our apt. We look so exhausted!

April fools was great! I got Scott pretty good. I told him I had some bad news and went on to saying that the rent manager had called and said we are responsible for replacing the carpet because the stairs were falling apart. Scott got upset but when I told him april fools, his reaction was priceless.

April 6 and 7th 2013

General Conference was absolutely fantastic I have so many notes and things that really stuck. Mom made us these notebooks with tabs of the speakers so we can flip to that person and write notes. There was also a fun activity she made (relief society activity) and it helped keep Scott awake. ;-p It was the speakers pictures and pictures of topics and you could put the one speaking on the pulpit with the topics they spoke about. Genius! 

I would like to share a few but I don't have my notebook with me so I will have to come back and update this post.

We also, in between the Saturday Sessions, went pillow shopping and got pillows that aren't just pieces of fabric! Our bed looks like a bed now! Yay!

April 8, 2013- FHE

Family Home Evening was great! We talked about our favorite points from General Conference and started our scripture study in the Old Testament. 

After our lesson, our activity was making a silly music video. Scott picked the song, then we just played around and had fun. Enjoy! :-)

keep in mind we are sleep deprive...and a lil' crazy.

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About Me

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I graduated from BYU-I with my Bachelor's in Integrated Studio Arts with a custom clustered minor in Dance and Health Science. I met my husband my senior year of college and fell hard pretty fast (which is very unlike me). We got married May 12, 2012. Moved to Kansas in 2013, and had our son Liam 2014.