Sunday, September 22, 2013

Finding Beauty in Chaos

So this week was my breaking point....I just snapped. So much stress with work as well as trying to find a place to live and figuring out the best way to help us financially...Plus not being able to sleep, I just snapped. Luckily I married a very patient man whom I feel very sorry has to deal with me sometimes, but he has truly been a blessing to me.

So we had our Day of Caring Kickoff and it was really great to go out and help out the community. We also had a lot of fun because the local high school band came and played and we did a lot of dancing around and cheering on the volunteers, it was fun.

I finally gave my presentation for one of my biggest accounts! I'm glad I got that over with, they had so many employees we separated it into two meetings. I did okay the first day but the second day I forgot half my presentation while I was up in front of everyone and just fudged it.

On Saturday we house searched all day and only found one promising place (to rent), but we still are deciding if it is wiser to buy a place for the three years we are here. So we've been looking at houses for renting and buying. I'm not sure how much longer I can stand the smoke though. We have all our windows open 24/7 (except the front one, so we don't get robbed. We are third floor so the back ones no one could reach.) We bought an air purifier, a plant, and have our fan circulating air and the smoke still gets to us. But at least it's better. I don't know how much longer it will last because the cold season is coming up here pretty fast, i guess we'll just wear sweatshirts all the time.

So Saturday evening we swung by the Art Fest and had a good time looking at the local art booths. There were a few interesting things. My favorite was this old man who you can tell put so much into his artwork but they look like children's drawings...but there was something very beautiful about them.
Then we watched "Epic" to wind down. It was an entertaining movie. I like cheesy children's movies. :-). 

Sunday morning we went all the way to church, was late cuz I ACTUALLY SLEPT last night and slept in! Then we arrived at church and I had another little breakdown (stress started getting to me again) so Scott took me to the rose gardens at Gage park. It was such a rejuvenating experience. And wonderful to see something beautiful in Topeka. I'm so glad that the city built Gage park. This is now my favorite of Topeka.

We went through and literally smelled all the roses (the yellow smelled the best but I have always been a sucker for white roses.)

So many roses!

Wishing Fountain

Look at all those roses!

Lilly pond

The butterfly garden was so beautiful. All these butterfly's just floating all around you, I felt so calm.

Thanks Scott. :-)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Weekend fun

Friday the law student wives held a girls night, but I missed it due to getting home from work late and not feeling too great. We were able to go to the "Art Walk" for a little bit. It was really neat. You started out with a little kit (disposable camera, sidewalk chalk, glow sticks, lolly pops, and a map inside a mug.). The night was about being artistic, there were bands playing on the street, craft vendors, and art displays everywhere. We were encouraged to take artistic pictures with the disposable camera and draw on the sidewalk with the chalk. We had a blast! There was also hula hoop and fire dancers and bands playing. There was also a "Roller Derby" game going on in one of the parking lots. I never heard of it before, but it was fun to watch...sortof like football with no ball and on roller-skates.

(don't worry we're not smoking, those are lolly pops in our mouths.)

Scott and I created this piece of art.

Though I wasn't feeling too well we had so much fun!

At one of the "galleries"

Near the Burger Stand (The hip bar for all the college students)

Thursday, September 5, 2013


So I've been negative lately and want to change my attitude. I will be focusing on ONLY the good things right now, and  forget the bad. I was able to talk to my mom today about all my worries and how I feel I can never afford to have a baby and be a stay at home mom and she just helped me realize how I was over-analyzing and being so negative. If it's what God wants me to do he will provide a way. Things will work out for Scott and I, I just know it. I got such a peaceful feeling after talking to my mom. No more negative Nelly from me. I'm gonna be positive for me and for Scott, because I'm sure he's very tired of hearing me worry. I am very blessed with a roof over my head, enough money for good food, transportation, a wonderful husband who takes such good care of me, a job, and a supportive family.
Our appt in topeka

Labor Day Scott and I decided to do some BBQ on our grill my Dad found for us, we also walked over to the apt complex across the street and swam in their pool (both our complexes are run by the same people).

Chicken and roasted corn on the cob.

Yummm! Cream soda!

Blessed to have the means for such a good meal :-)

Wednesday we had a kickoff at a water energy plant and were able to take a tour, which was soooo amazing and a little scary at times. Here's a pic of our United Way Team in the hard hats.

It has been fun to go see many places while working for United Way, definitely full of a lot of unique opportunities. 

Scott is loving law school and I am so happy for him. It is so cute to see him get all excited about his law books and assignments. :-) I love him so much and am so happy he chose me to share his life with. 

About Me

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I graduated from BYU-I with my Bachelor's in Integrated Studio Arts with a custom clustered minor in Dance and Health Science. I met my husband my senior year of college and fell hard pretty fast (which is very unlike me). We got married May 12, 2012. Moved to Kansas in 2013, and had our son Liam 2014.