Sunday, July 21, 2013

Enjoying our Summer before the move

July 17th marked our 2 year anniversary of when Scott asked me to be his girlfriend.. We wanted to make it a tradition to go to a drive-in the night of the 17th, but there were no showings that day. So we saved it for the weekend. We went to Hellenic Kousina to celebrate instead (we had a gift card :-D ).

Here is our first course/appetizer, some sort of imported cheese brought to the table flaming and they put it out with lemon juice. It was so delicious! And to top it all off, red sparkling grape juice.

Beautiful setting! They have Greek pillars, lights, and that Greek statue water fountain in the background.

The dinner was fantastic: pork, chicken, these spinach cheese crescent roll type things, and some delicious vegetables!

And TA-DA the Sweetheart cake. Fantastic.

Scott pulled out these earrings after dinner. I have a feeling he stocked up on a bunch so he has a present for me every special occasion. Silly boy, he doesn't have to do that.

On Saturday we went to the drive-in and saw "Turbo" (pretty much "Cars" but with snails) and "The Lone Ranger" (which turned out to be very entertaining).

It was such a beautiful night. To our right was the sunset, to our left was a lightning storm, and above us was a full moon.

The only downer was when, what appeared to be, a 16 year old girl lit up in the car next to us (we all had windows down, because it was sooo hot and humid, and the smoke was making it so I could hardly breath). I asked her to please stop smoking or try another spot because we did not smoke. She actually stopped after me asking her a second time, but her stoned boyfriend wanted to make a scene. He started yelling, telling me to take a chill pill, etc (he was the only one there riled up....) Luckily I wasn't there to make a scene and seemed like the girl didn't want to either so she told him to shut up. Right after that he lit up to "prove a point" but I think she talked him into stopping....seriously kid? 
Some people are so ignorant and self centered. They scream for acceptance from everyone but they aren't willing to accept us and our choices. They chose to smoke, fine, I'm not telling them to stop. That is their decision, but just because you smoke doesn't mean I have to. Now freaking learn some respect and grow up you stupid little spoiled rotten self entitled twirp (that's what I wanted to say to him, but it would've been like talking to a brick wall, totally not worth getting riled up over.)

Oh, AND I went to a gal in my ward to fix my hair is much shorter than I would've liked, but she did a good job at hiding the hacked to pieces chunks of hair from my last haircut. What had started out to be a trim turned into a complete new hairstyle. Oh well, hair will grow back.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I LOVE Avocados!

So Scott had bought these nasty huge avacados (not the regular kind)....and they were totally not edible. So Julie and I decided to do a Avacado/Oatmeal facemasks. We made Scott do it too.

Tree Ent

It felt so gross...

Looks like she's feeding me, but it was just dripping into my mouth.

Scott's such a good sport! Haha.

My favorite picture ever... actually worked. Our faces were super soft afterwards!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Scott is a sweetheart

So Scott took me out to the Greek restaurant Wednesday evening. It was really nice because we enjoyed our food on the veranda.
Then yesterday I had my free massage from work and decided to make it a "spa day" so I went to get my hair cut, which turned out to be a huge mistake (they won't refund me).

Here is what it looks like....nuff said

But oh well, what can you do? Then Scott and I went to Texas Road House for dinner. So in the middle of dinner Scott randomly goes "what's that?" and I saw something tucked in the hem of Scott's pants. He then pulled out my ring! We had it re-sized again finally! He  gave it back to me and said "You're my forever girl." (We both love Avatar) He is such a sweety.

AND my sister finally gave birth to my lil nephew! She now has two girls and two boys. Perfect. :-)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Almost +1 to our extended family

Stacey, my sister, is about to pop with her last child. We are all very anxious and excited. Every time the phone rings we run to answer. Last night we were in the middle of family prayer but stopped to get the phone, false alarm. Lil' baby Wesley does not seem to want to come. Stacey is 40 weeks and her belly seems bigger than her! Wesley better come soon.

Scott's sister, Tori, is also pregnant. I'm excited to be able to attend her baby shower this summer at the Tillery family reunion. All these people around me pregnant and with babys are making me so baby hungry....

Scott Starts law-school in a month! So exciting!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!

We had a wonderful day. We just hung around the house with the fam., swam a little, Scott and Stuart charged the AC in Scott's car, the Rigg's came over for a bit. When the Rigg's left Scott and laid down on a blanket outside for a while, enjoying each-other and the beautiful day. Later on in the day Scott, Julie, and I had an epic game of Trivial Pursuit/guessing game/charades. And for dinner, we went to the Chinese restaurant. For fire-works we did sparklers and some fountains and spinners. :-)

So I got up on the chair to get away from this spinning sparking firework and it came straight for me, went right under my chair and finished going off there!

About Me

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I graduated from BYU-I with my Bachelor's in Integrated Studio Arts with a custom clustered minor in Dance and Health Science. I met my husband my senior year of college and fell hard pretty fast (which is very unlike me). We got married May 12, 2012. Moved to Kansas in 2013, and had our son Liam 2014.