Friday, August 31, 2012

Senator's game!

I had so much fun tonight! Scott and I went to the Senator's baseball game in Harrisburg. Afterwards we went for a walk  down the lit up bridge connecting city island and Harrisburg. Then we hit some baseballs in the batting cages. I started at the 35mph balls to warm up then moved up to 55 mPH and hit a few!  I was so excited. :-)

The Senators stunk! It was 9 to 2 (Baysox against Senators)...Though our team stunk, we had a ton of fun.

So excited!

Scott tried his luck at winning some prizes by throwing tennis balls from where we sat at targets in the field. We didn't win anything, but it was fun.

Our personal Kiss cam. :-)

Once I got the hang of swinging I tried the 55 MPH and hit 3 out of 12 my first try. I was pretty dang excited.

Scott batting at the 55MPH. He's a hunk :-).

Monday, August 27, 2012

A sick weekend

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been suffering some pretty annoying health issues and I'm usually too exhausted by the end of the day to write anything here. I've gone to several doctors and had several test. They have not figured out what's going on yet. It's a frustrating process.

Sooo I was excited for this weekend because my friend from work invited us to go country line dancing Saturday night. But lo and behold I didn't feel so good Saturday. Then I was pretty much bed ridden all of Sunday. Scott is so sweet and understanding, he didn't complain that I was boring or ruining his weekend, he just took care of me. He cut me up watermelon (because that's the only thing that didn't make me sick) and he even read to me (Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson) to help me get my mind off of the pain. He really makes me feel special. I'm just shocked that I've gotten such a caring guy. Yes, I know you guys are gagging and like "seriously, stop being a romantic", but I'm just telling the truth. All I can say is I'm very lucky to have found a guy I just click with. We are definitely not the same and don't agree on everything, but I just get him and he just gets me. I thank God for these blessings.
I made mango Sticky rice (for recipe see MilkandHoney blog: )  for Scott because he had a craving for it and we got mangos for really cheap at BBs. First time I made it by myself (and I substituted brown sugar for the palm sugar) and it tuned out pretty good. Also, the night I made this, my mom and sister (Julie) came over to watch Penelope with me. It was so nice to just chill with them and have a nice girls movie night.

So this isn't really exciting but it was a Saturday breakfast that we used a pepper from our garden to jazz up the taste! :-) I love being able to just walk out to the garden for things. Like the other day I made taco salad and I needed tomato, I just walked out to the garden for some :-))

We have a Cucumber growing!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Charlotte's web


There was a huge thunder storm! I was out watering my garden, which is doing alright:

 and the sky started lighting up and the clouds were spectacular. I also noticed a ginormous spider building her home on our porch. I named her Charlotte. Her body is about the size of the top of my thumb!

Working feverishly on that web.

This picture was not taken with a Macro.



Today we went to BBs! It was so great. We got groceries to last us the whole month pretty much. :-) It was great to hang out with my sister and mom as well. Just like good ol' times.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy Bell Peppers

Our first garden (a learning experience)
Yay! I think we're doing something right with at least one of the plants. The orange bell peppers have begun to turn...though they look like they will be more of a red bell pepper.

Our Chives have been doing pretty good too!

So I need help. I've lost my imagination with cooking. What are some filling recipes that aren't too boring or too expensive that I can feed my husband? Anyone have ideas? I seriously need help. I'm not so good at this wifey thing while working full time.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Whatchya think?

Hey to all who read this blog. Today is one of my "half work days". I work ridiculously long hours every day so I can have Tuesdays and Fridays as half days. I needed it today. I've been so incredibly tired lately. I have been having some health issues, which we don't know what is wrong yet, so I'm fatigued. But life has still be wonderful.

Update on our garden-->
Our garden is doing okay. We have some tomatoes and peppers growing. I'm happy to see some of the watermelon is growing, we have cute baby mini watermelons. But our other plants are seriously lacking in something. I was told by a friend that if you crush up egg shells and mix it in the soil that it's supposedly great nutrition for plants. So I think I will try that and let you know what happens.

 Our Pumpkins, Peas, and Beans are doing horribly!!! I have no idea how to save them. Any ideas!? :-) I would appreciate it.

So Saturday night we had a family bowling night which was fun. And then Sunday we were able to go see my grandma and aunt and uncle in West Virginia. While we were there, we were hit by a huge storm that seamed like a tornado or hurricane. I was very scared. Some trees came down and blocked the roads so we had to clear them before we could leave for home.

Being at my aunt's and uncle's house was so inspiring! I really want to eventually have land and be sort of self sufficient. You know, have my own garden and some animals (sort of a mini farm). By the looks of how my garden is doing now, I don't think that'll be any time soon. ;-p  Hopefully by the time we can afford land, I'll figure the whole gardening thing out.

PS. To page viewers, I would really like some feedback :-) It's encouraging to get comments and such so I don't feel like I'm writing to an empty internet space. :-)  Feel free to write something!

About Me

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I graduated from BYU-I with my Bachelor's in Integrated Studio Arts with a custom clustered minor in Dance and Health Science. I met my husband my senior year of college and fell hard pretty fast (which is very unlike me). We got married May 12, 2012. Moved to Kansas in 2013, and had our son Liam 2014.