Week 41, I was awoken at 5AM with contractions. Scott and I waited a bit to wake up my mom becuase I wasn't sure if it was the real thing or just irregular contractions. They stayed consistent/steady and grew closer together so we decided to wake up my mom. I bounced around on my yoga ball for a while but then when I went to the rest room I noticed I was bleeding. We called my midwives and she told me go straight to the hospital just to make sure the placenta wasn't "low lying" (in the way of the baby) and that everything was okay with Liam.

My midwife and doula met us at the hospital. I was strapped down and checked in. Liam's heart was healthy and strong, I was having steady contractions, and wasn't bleeding a ton. But they wanted to do an ultrasound (my midwife and the nurses) to make sure the placenta wasn't "low lying" still. So, since my midwife had no say in anything they called up a random doctor to get the recommendation to get the ultrasound. And a Dr. Gleason ended up being my "over the phone doctor" for the morning. He ordered the ultrasound and everything looked great! It was interesting to see Liam during labor in my tummy. His face was all squished. The technician and nurse voiced concern that he was very big and we might have difficulty doing natural birth. They started talking about possibility of an emergency C-section. They also checked to see how far along I was (I felt fine, though the contraction machine showed I was having "intense" contractions). They found out I was almost all the way effaced (at least 95%), and not really dilated, 1 to 2 cm. So everything seemed great and I didn't seem too far along. So we wanted to get out of the hospital, they kept coming up with reasons for us to wait and stay- "oh just wait an hour while we get the results back from the ultrasound" (what results? We were there, we saw it and heard the results), "We have to call Dr. Gleason and see if he recommends you going home (Duh, we know he's not going to recommend a home birth, no doctor does), "Did you want to wait here while we have an OBGYN come and talk to you? (Why???). Luckily, eventually my midwife got us out of there. From there we were discharged "against advisement" and we went home. My midwives then went home for a while since I wasn't too far along (dilated) and laboring continued. I wasn't paying too much attention to time but the contractions went from being uncomfortable to being very painful. This being my first child I had no idea when to call the midwives, but when they were 3 to 4 mins apart and getting quite painful we decided it was about time to call the midwives, I believe this was in the afternoon/evening time. They came, and laboring continued, very painful. I remember thinking, "this is it, anytime now" but contractions just kept getting more and more intense. There was a point I remember thinking, I'm done I can't do this, i'm just going to die. Haha, so dramatic I know. Then I changed positions and all the sudden BAM, my body started pushing. It as uncontrollable and wow, painful. Long story short before I knew it Liam was placed on the bed in front of me, and I just remember thinking "that does not look like a newborn".

10lbs 10 oz - 22 inches long - 14.75 inch head circumference (after 32 hours of labor)
What a beautiful experience. I'm so grateful that we were able to have a home birth and everything went well and Liam is a strong healthy boy.
My iron fell extremely low so I was unwillingly bed ridden for a while. Thank goodness my mom was around to help. I got extremely annoyed that I couldn't take care of my own baby though. I only really could feed him and that's about it.
First day I was able to sit up (on a boppy) and hold Liam. I was so happy, also was able to take a bath and mom did my hair for me (I seriously had the worst rat's nest ever, took my mom forever to comb it out.)
Liam with Grandma
My precious boy
The day my mom had to leave. I was starting to put weight on my legs but still needed much help. Also my hemoglobin levels were at 6 after a week of recovery (average level should be about 14). So I still had a lot of blood building to do.
Scott stayed home with me for a few days but then had to go back to work, so my dad flew out the following Wednesday. Also, we had some lovely ladies help us with rides to the airport and meals during the week (what a life saver they were).
Liam getting a foot massage from Grandpa.
Haha, love these.
Liam's first bath. Poor baby had an allergic reaction to the lotion we used (don't use baby lotion on newborns, or if you do, test it on a small area first).
I was able to stand for a little bit to help (still couldn't stand for long because I would get faint, but moving forward with recovery)
Daddy dressing Liam on our stove.....He wasn't happy.
All clean!
My mom made this "Hungry Caterpillar" outfit. So adorable, and Liam loves it!
Look at that sweet face :-)
My mom also made the cowboy hat and the boots are form my Aunt Deb.
Nap with Daddy
Going on our first walk....not very long just down the road a little then back (working up my leg muscles again and circulation)
Mom got me these flowers when I started labor, they look like the ones in the rose garden we liked so much.
Scott got e these flowers after I gave birth and got me a tripod for my camera as a "pushing present". I'm a lucky gal to have such a sweet husband :-).
My dad is soooo amazing. I feel so spoiled by my parents right now and so indebted to them for all the help and support they have provided. My dad actually cleaned out our garage, organized everything, hung cabinets to store things, and built Scott a work bench. He didn't stop there, he helped draft up a plan for my laundry room. Seriously, my parents are so selfless and just amazing people. I aspire to be like them.
Liam on our second walk together, I got a little bit further this time...a little past our street.
One of the breakfasts my dad made me. Haha, too cute. :-)
Liam on Halloween. We didn't really do much, just had a nice relaxing evening with Grandpa Speck (my dad). We did get one trick or treater :-), our first and only, but it was still exciting.
The day my dad had to go back to PA. I enjoyed having him here and will miss him. I am also feeling a million times better and can hold Liam on my own and walk around without getting tunnel vision. When my midwives came to check on me today we checked my hemoglobin levels and they went up to 11 (5 points in a week)!
Feeling grateful.