Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Moving Yard Sale and De-junking to move

Saturday I had asked for the morning off from my job so we could be a part of our community yard sale! :-) I was so excited because last year Scott and I made $50. So I was hoping to make more than that this year to help us  with the move,  because we had more stuff to sell this year. It was freezing cold all morning so there wasn't as many people out as we had hoped. I ran the yard sale while Scott went around and shopped. So between me making $20 at the yardsale and Scott spending $10 our total profit of the day was $10. At least we didn't go in the hole :-) We could buy a sandwich on our trip with that money. It was just disheartening because people were awfully rude and actually steeling stuff. Yardsales are about bargaining, but that is asking: "Will you take 3 dollars for something that was 10" rather than taking the item giving 3 dollars and running away. Oh boy, people are so selfish these days.

Scott and I finally found an apartment near Washburn that is opening up in July, we applied for it and are keeping our fingers crossed. I'm getting so anxious and excited about the move.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

So this weekend we didn't do much. I work through the weekend except Sundays so we don't have too much time. I'm loving the weather though. I love springtime where it's moist and green and flowers and animals are everywhere.
Front yard at my parent's house, see the bunny?

Sunday I was feeling pretty bummed out, just one of those days. I've been having trouble getting sleep with my whole digestive/health issues plus stress, so I've been ornery lately. I just needed to get away from everything, so Scott took me on a hike. A trail not too far from my parent's house. It was so beautiful! Foggy and green. We saw some lovely/interesting plants and some bunnies.

These I call the "Geisha Plant" because they have a long stem and at the end it's like and umbrella and underneath each umbrella is a single white flower.

FAT millipede! 

We went back Monday morning to take our "One year photos" which we had planned taking somewhere else but it was so garsh darn perty back there! 

I got this idea off of pinterest. I just thought is was a cool idea to do this each year and have frame withing frame within frame... It'll be fun. :-)

So green and beautiful

Still feeling like newlyweds. :-)

Okay, so this was gonna be a pic where i photoshoped our wedding pic into that frame, but it didn't look great. So now I'm wishing I just hung a "one year" banner in it instead, but I'm trying to figure out how to photoshop it in. Once I'm finished it should look cool.

As much as I'm wanting to get out of PA and find my own place I'm gonna miss how gorgeous it is. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day and One year anniversary!

This morning Scott was such a dear and made my mother AND me breakfast in bed (Steak, fruit, eggs, mushrooms, etc). It was very lovely.

Happy Mother's Day to Scott's mom and my mom. I am grateful to both of you and the wonderful example you are to me. My mother is the reason I know how to sew, she is the reason I feel confident in who I am and don't feel the need to be anything else, she is the reason I am ambitious and strive for great things, she is the reason for many great things in my live and I love her and am so thankful for her example and Love. Scott's mother is the reason Scott is so kind and patient with my fiery personality, she's the reason he has good strong values, she is the reason I was able to marry the man that is just perfect for me and I thank her for that.

Scott and I made it one whole year today! (5/12/13, mother's day)
I am so thankful for Scott and how he can understand where I'm coming from when no one else does, even if he does not agree. I'm thankful he makes me laugh and wants to protect and provide for me. I'm so thankful he didn't give up on me when we were dating and kept persueing even when I pushed him away. I'm so grateful he is a part of my life. I Love Scott so much.
To celebrate our anniversary Scott and I went to the park and just laid in the middle of the field watching the clouds reminiscing. We ate some lovely guacamole tacos for dinner and got out our wedding cake from one year ago. It was definitely freezer burnt but not that bad.We actually fed it to eachother and of course he had to get me back from the wedding and rubbed it all over my hair. Then we opened gifts. Scott got me some beautiful earnings and some kit-kat bars (I for some reason was craving them the other day). I got Scott a photobook I had compiled on of our first married year together. I'm definitely going to do my yearly scrap booking that way from now on.

Until next time!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


So when we went to SVU for Doug's graduation we stopped by Denny's for burgers and they had Baconalia going on ( menu of everything bacon). Scott really wanted the bacon maple ice-cream brownie, which we did not get. But I promised him we would get it some other day. We were going to do it for FHE but were too tired so we went the next morning for breakfast. YUMMMMM....
Just look at that brownie  with ice-cream sprinkled with bacon and maple syrup! So amazingly delicious!

They brought out the fries wrong the first time because they were supposed to be drenched in cheese and bacon pieces, but they gave us more potatoes the second time. :-)

I've been spending my whole day apartment searching...:-/ Feel like I wasted my day off but gotta do it sometime. I'm just prayin' things work out financially and time wise for this move and Scott's school.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Work and Play

So I am officially working in a message clinic (not a spa, but actual therapeutic massage clinic), I turned down the billing position for that Chiropractor because he only wanted me to work 2 days a week...I needed more (and the pay was not great). Its been alright working in the message clinic, but a little crazy.
Scott got his acceptance letter to Thurgood Marshall in Texas but we have already figured out that Washburn in Kansas is the best choice for us. So we have sent in our seat deposit are currently hunting down a place to live and are gonna pick up and move here in mid-July. I'm very excited and so proud of Scott for getting into a good lawschool.

Today Scott and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary a week early (because our anniversary is on a Sunday and we wouldn't be able to go anywhere fun). So we went to Baltimore. We had such a great day! We first stopped by the ginormous awesome Barnes & Nobles right next to the Hard Rock Cafe. Then we walked through the Baltimore Aquarium, which was so amazing! My favorite parts were the "Pig nosed turtles", seeing the dolphins being trained, jellyfish of course, and the 4-D theater was so fun.

She was really cool and showed us the Mohawk owl (I forget the real name, but it has a huge head and little body).

Here's the "Pig nosed turtle", it was so adorable. Sorry about the blurry pics, the aquarium was dark and so it needed a longer exposure with my point and shoot, which made the pic blurry.

Whale bones behind Scott as we rode the escalator to the next level.

I was having so much fun! (once again, blurry pic cuz it was dark)

There's another "Pig nosed turtle". can you find the Crocodile?

This turtle flipped itself upside-down and needed help flipping right side up, it was cute.

In the rain forest, which was gorgeous. We saw the sloth from a distance but it would't come down. Did you know sloths come down from the trees like once a week to poop and it ends up pooping like 2 lbs....yeah, weird I know.

Cool Blue frogs

Jelly fish sculpture over the cafeteria.

I didn't photoshop this at all, isn't it so magical looking? Jellyfish are so beautiful.

Huge jaw skeleton behind Scott.
If I were a Jedi...though this light saber is sortof morbid (penguin head saber)

After the Aquarium, we walked around the Harbor, looked at the ships and shops.

Does this count as a healthy cereal? haha

HUGE lollipop

In front of the World Trade Center Memorial

Sitting next to the fountain waiting for our dinner reservations.

Crabs, Muscles, Corn, Potatoes, Sausage and Virgin Daquaries. Mmmmmm.

Walking across the bridge after eating at Phillips (the place on the water behind me).

Sculpture in front of the Holocaust museum. "Those who fail to remember the past are condemned to repeat it." 

There was a "Kinetic Sculpture Race" going on today, and this was so funny I had to get a pic. The lad with the green hat is a "Pig" haha. 

We wondered around the city, stopping to watch street acts, etc. until we got tired then headed home. Wonderful day. Thanks Scott!

About Me

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I graduated from BYU-I with my Bachelor's in Integrated Studio Arts with a custom clustered minor in Dance and Health Science. I met my husband my senior year of college and fell hard pretty fast (which is very unlike me). We got married May 12, 2012. Moved to Kansas in 2013, and had our son Liam 2014.