Sunday, November 11, 2012


My current job, in which I work 11 hour days, is murder. Not only am I absolutely overused and underpaid because our cheep boss wants to save money, but I found out I get half my paycheck. I literally make around 800 every 2 weeks and get about 400 of that due to taxes and charges my employer takes out for health benefits which I am apparently not qualified for until I pay 3000 out of my own pocket.  I am getting less than minimum wage. Wow, all the money they've taken away from me could've paid for the things I need done. And there is no way out of this apparently unless I get another employer, which is what I have to do. It's okay though, the job stinks and I am not going into that field anymore.
Word of advice to anyone, read the fine print...never trust an employer to explain anything, get it in writing and ask about every stinkin detail.

And I'm not advocating complaining and gossiping in the workplace. That is one of my biggest pet peeves is when people blab or complain about someone in the work place, it's not professional at all. Go to work, do what you need to do, and if you must complain...that's why you have family. ;-p (My poor husband)

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About Me

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I graduated from BYU-I with my Bachelor's in Integrated Studio Arts with a custom clustered minor in Dance and Health Science. I met my husband my senior year of college and fell hard pretty fast (which is very unlike me). We got married May 12, 2012. Moved to Kansas in 2013, and had our son Liam 2014.