Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sept 21-23


So I was so freakin' busy with work and stuff during the three months I had to plan my wedding, I never got bridal pictures done. So my sis, Samm, helped me out and did them for me :-)

Here's a few:

Thanks Samm :-) I LOVED that flowy dress and wanted a few pics to show just how perty it was. 

Saturday: (Catch up day and Hershey park night!)

We went to Hershey park tonight and had a blast! :-) It was such a great time. I got to see my sister too, she works at Hershey park. Going to an amusement park at night is the best time to go! I was really angry at myself halfway through though, because my stomach started aching and didn't let up till close to closing time for the park, but I still enjoyed myself.

Sunday: COOKIES!! :-) 
We used our cookie cutters to make some sugar cookies to give out. 

Pumpkins and Ghosts (for halloween), and Deer (for hunting season.)

"It's baking season!"

"It's baking season!" Scott had pronounced to me after coming home from work one day. This fall weather has gotten us really excited for the holidays! :-) We went out last Saturday and looked at all the crafty stores and decorations and the kitchen store. We got some cookie cutters and our first decorations for fall! :-)

Cute huh? :-)

Last weekend I got really excited because I saved up enough berries to make freezer jam! :-)

 Which I made some homemade french bread to go with it, stay tuned for this recipe (it turned out sooo yummy) and the most deliciously moist banana bread recipe! :-)
On Sunday last week, Scott cooked me some very delicious Indian curry with Naan bread and coconut rice. SOOO delicious, but a little too rich for my stomach (I only could handle a little bit). 

Wow this blog seems to be all about food, but I love food! :-)

One last summer thing! To honor the last day of summer we had watermelon smoothies! 

(for recipe see my milkandhoney blog: )

PS: Our garden is still producing! I LOVE IT! :-)

Friday, September 14, 2012


Confession. I am so afraid of the air vents in bathrooms....this is not a joke. I'm always glancing up at them because I'm paranoid someone is up there looking down at me. Hahaha. I'm such a nerd. But today at work, I went into the bathroom and glanced up (out of habit) and the ceiling tile flipped up and down. I freaked out and ran out of the bathroom, trying to catch my cool before anyone could see me. I have no idea why the tile did that but it was quite freaky.

Something to remember.   Going throughout our busy hectic not-enough-time-in-the-day days, we tend to forget about something very important, UNWINDING. Some say they don't have "time to be lazy" and can't unwind. Well, if you never "unwind" you will reduce your productivity durring the day and can cause some serious health issues. Not only can stress and being over worked wear on you mentaly, but it also wears on you physicaly. Never allowing your body and mind to unwind can cause things like stress induced food allergies, you could become more suseptable to illness, anxiety, headaches, change in mood/personality, digestive tract problems (gastrointestinal motility, etc), and many other things. Guys, letting yourself unwind has to be done away from "electronic entertainment" (TV, phones, ipods, ipads, laptops, etc). Your eyes need time to rest, especially if you have a computer desk job already. Also, letting your body unwind does not mean keeping yourself entertained, your mind needs quiet every once in a while, and no, sleeping does not count. Sorry, I'm ranting. Find a calm hobby away from the computer or tv (readings, sewing, writing, walking, painting, etc.) But two things, one in particular, will help you unwind and relieve stress; hand massages and foot messages. The foot has over 70,000 nerve endings with trigger points that correlate to the whole body. Most of us spend a larger part of the day on our feet.
  Massaging tired aching feet almost always relaxes and relieves the aches and pains  and helps ease your tension, pain and other ailments. So it's quite the gift to give your hubby or wife a foot massage. HINT: If your significant other is having a bad day and in a horrible mood, give them a foot massage.
That was a lot of babble, but I'm sure you got the point.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Gettin' there....

So as most of you know, (I'm assuming it's only my fam that reads this) I've been struggling with my health. I've gone to doctors only to be ripped off. They charged me out the ear for..what did they do?...oh only invade my privacy and make me feel completely uncomfortable for nothing. Can you believe that the one consultation alone costed me about 300 dollars? Ha! Wow, and they found nothing and listened to nothing I said. So I've decided to once again, take matters into my own hands.
I firmly believe that excersise, a healthy diet, and a positive attitude cures most illnesses. And if not cure, makes things a lot more tollerable. I started to run again today. I picked a goal to start,  running the "Mud on the Mountain" race in November(I still have my goal of running a race in every US state). It is 7 miles running up and down a mountain with some crazy obsticals. Link---> . 
I've also made it a point to get my life more organized. I've been trying to make a meal and freeze half of it so Scott can just pull it out when I don't feel like cooking....worked a little. I just gotta freeze the half before Scott gets to it! Haha. If food is there he tends to eat ALL of it just cuz he can.
I also got back into sewing with my off time. I'm going to stay away from watching movies and getting on the computer so much. I'm going to focus on some productive things away from the screen, because I believe that's what is causing my chronic headaches. I was so washed out from being sick I lazed in front of the comp. and because of that I'm getting headeaches. Well I'm puting my foot down and saying no to feeling bad. I might not know what's going on but I won't let it get me!

Celtic Weekend

So my family decided to go to a Celtic festival in Carlisle and invited us to tag along. It was really fun to hang out with them and see some of our Scottish history! :-)

My Clan, the Grahams. 

                                          Scott's Clan, the Mackay's (the blue at the bottom) looks like ours :-)

Our clan's family crests.

The 2 mile house. So perty.

Oh, and we totally made it into their newspaper. :-)

About Me

My photo
I graduated from BYU-I with my Bachelor's in Integrated Studio Arts with a custom clustered minor in Dance and Health Science. I met my husband my senior year of college and fell hard pretty fast (which is very unlike me). We got married May 12, 2012. Moved to Kansas in 2013, and had our son Liam 2014.