I believe it is about time I did another update on this thinger.
So a lot of things are going on/have gone on in Scott's and my life right now:
1. We have a baby boy on the way. He will be here Oct 14th-ish or around then. It's getting closer and closer and we both are getting more and more excited. It's also very fun because a lot of our friends are pregnant as well and due around the same time or a few months after.
2. Scott finished up his first year at lawschool, but sadly did not meet the GPA requirement to continue and was released from the law program. He did petition to be re-accepted but was denied. Things like this are very hard and disappointing to go through, especially since Scott seemed to enjoy law so much. But we will make it through this rough spot and it's not the end of the world. If it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be. Scott is now exploring other career paths and education, like possibly going for his MBA. He also had an interview last week with Payless in their marketing department (utilizing some of the writing/marketing background he has from undergrad), so here's hoping! :-) Scott has a strong desire to provide for our growing family, and he's also been working very hard to make our home livable and comfortable. I am grateful I have such a great man for my husband, and love sharing the adventures life brings with him.
3. Loving my new position as Director of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. As much as I like my job, I'm still hoping to eventually get to the point where I can be a full time mom/ maybe just work part time.
4. My sister Julie is getting married August 2nd! I'm so very happy for her and Justin. We leave next week for the Pennsylvania wedding......doubling as vacation for us. :-)
5. Now that we have a kitchen, I've been enjoying it very much. We are able to invite people over for dinner now, and bake more. The other day I made strawberry freezer jam.
6. Our garden has been a hassle, with the bunnies and squirrels and birds trying to eat it all. We had to put nets over it all to protect our produce, but now birds get caught in the netting and we have to save at least one a day. But the netting works, and we are now getting some produce:
HUGE cucumber from our garden.
7. We had a fun 4th of July this year. Scott and I decided to tie dye t-shirts this year for the 4th and invited a few of our friends over to join us. We had a lot of fun :-)
For fourth of July breakfast we had "Red, White, and Blue Crepes".
Our Decor...2 flags, maybe we'll accumulate some more festive decor in the years to come.
At the 4th of July fair.
MMMM Funnel Cake.
Watching the fireworks with friends at the lake. We had a great time. :-)
The day after the 4th we also set off some of our own fireworks and did some sparklers.
Until Next Time