Thursday, December 27, 2012

It's Christmas Time

Scott and I had our first Christmas together! It was absolutely lovely.

Scott bringing in our "first Christmas tree". We couldn't afford a real one so we used the fake one my parents were throwing  away (it was tangled in lights that didn't work so we spent a whole afternoon just untangling it).

Scott putting up the star (I got it at dollar tree, we couldn't afford one that lit up, so Scott wrapped some of the lights around it and it was so perty. :-) )

Mistletoe and Kissing ball

 I found bows and garlands for a buck and jazzed up our entryway.   :-)  And the glittery kissing ball was a nice affect.

Christmas Eve Scott and I had the opportunity to go to my Aunt and Uncle's (on my mom's side) house for a party. It was a lot of fun! Cookie decorating, white elephant gift exchange, great food and good laughs. They always know how to throw a party.

Haha, this pic is epic. Scott and I were so tired...we got a little loopy...and Scott looks out of it.

After the party, Scott and I put our white elephant gift to good use (the chocolate sampler), popped some "bubbly" (sparkling juice),  and watched one of our new harry potter movies. 

( to see what our Christmas Cards looked like this year, visit my MILKandHONEY blog: )

So Christmas morning Scott and I opened our stockings and did our own little present exchange then did the same at my parents that afternoon.
Our own stockings I made  (to see details see my  MilkAndHoney blog: ).

Scott's stocking my sister made him. It's a foot with toe fungus and hair....haha.

My stocking since I was a kid, my mom had made it for me.

The day after Christmas we had another party at my other aunt and uncle's house (we had like 4 Chrismtas')!

I LOVE this man!

Monday, December 17, 2012

FREE!....and a history trip.

I am FREE! Friday was my last day working in Physical Therapy. I definitely don't think health care professions are right for me, especially given my history and distrust for doctors. My friends in the office, not my boss, threw a little farewell party/breakfast for me. Even some patients brought in food and gifts.  It was bitter sweet. I got to know everyone so well, but I know it is best to move on because I was getting no where in that job.
Goodbye/Christmas Gifts from employees/patients

Saturday morning I had an interview with an acting/modeling agency in Virginia. Scott and I decided to visit DC and the historic sites while we were down there. The interview went well, I got a "second interview" (apparently they weed through the people they don't want by doing a few interviews). They told me that they wouldn't be asking for any money from me if they thought I had enough potential. But after that first interview I still had a lot of questions. When I called to get more information about what they would be expecting from me, before I travel down for the second interview, they told me they could not discuss it over the phone. I didn't want to make another trip not knowing if they would be expecting money or whatever. I wanted more info before I committed. So I told them I was not interested.  I definitely don't want to be scammed.

Anyways, so after the interview Scott and I had a lovely time in DC. It was a beautiful day!

Haha, look at that kid in the background. I swear he looked like Will Smith's son.

We visited the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier. We got there just in time before the grounds closed and we were able to witness the changing of the guard. It was so serene and spiritual (not what I expected, everyone was so quite and respectful because of the spirit that was there). 

There was a wreath on every grave, the grounds were soooo huge!

We ate at a little Chinese restaurant in the city of DC, Scott is holding a baby lobster!

We walked around and saw some cool lights, statues, and shops. 

This donkey looks kind of creepy with that smile...

About Me

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I graduated from BYU-I with my Bachelor's in Integrated Studio Arts with a custom clustered minor in Dance and Health Science. I met my husband my senior year of college and fell hard pretty fast (which is very unlike me). We got married May 12, 2012. Moved to Kansas in 2013, and had our son Liam 2014.